What are you accepting in your life that you don't have to?

Sometimes the things we end up accepting in life about ourselves and our limitations have nothing to do with what we are actually capable of.  We believe them only because somewhere along the way someone convinced us that the limitations they saw in us are what we should see in ourselves.  

🚫”You’ll never amount to anything, you’re not smart enough” 
🚫”You’ll never make it as a lawyer, you don't have the personality for that”
🚫You’ll never run again, you should stick to light walking”
🚫”You can't get better if you have a chronic illness, that's why they call it chronic”
🚫”You’ll never be able to help this dog, he’s too much for someone like you”
🚫”You’re too young to do that now, you need to wait”
🚫 “You're too old to do that now, you need to give that up”
🚫”You’re too _____ ” Insert whatever YOU’VE heard your whole life in that blank!

What you're seeing above are just a few of the things I’ve been told in the past. And they all ended up being wrong.  I'll admit, part of me wanted to believe them because it would have made things so much easier.  But I decided not to believe any of them and see what would happen if I believed in myself instead.  I can't say that it was ever easy or comfortable.  But time and time again, believing in myself and choosing the discomfort ended up being the best decision I could have possible made.  

The fact is, if I had listened to everything everyone has told me over the years, I probably wouldn’t have tried most of the things I’ve done in the past or many of the things I’m doing now.  And I would most likely have been a shadow of the person I am now.  

So I invite you to ask yourself, what are you accepting in life that you don't have to?  Where are you believing in your limitations instead of your potential?  And where are you dimming your future by choosing to believe words you've been told in the past?  And that really is all they are - words.  The amount of power you give them is up to you.

Brene Brown says that true integrity is choosing courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.  

I agree wholeheartedly.  One thing I've learned is that the easier road isn't always the right one or the one that gets you where you want to be.  And sometimes the road the looks like it's going the wrong way takes you exactly where you need to be.

And as long as the road you choose for yourself comes from a place of integrity, it will never be the wrong one and it will always lead you to all the right places.   

I will leave you with this - you don’t have to accept what others say about you as true. Nope. You get to create your own truth. And you get to start today.

Ready to tap into your own power and start believing in yourself? Let's chat. I'm offering a free breakthough session limited to a total of 3 highly motivated individuals who are ready to design a life they love.

Wishing you all a beautiful day. đź’•

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