Who You Are:

Perhaps you’re a woman who’s in the early days of a promising but potentially unfulfilling career that you chose because it felt “safe”or checked off the right boxes with your family.  Or maybe you’re decades in on an career that has left you feeling empty, and with little space or freedom to spend time and make memories with the people you care most about. Deep down you know something needs to change but you’re afraid to walk away from the only thing you know – and stability you have worked so hard to attain.  Either way you question whether the journey you are on is the one that is meant for you and the uncertainty, stress and lack of fulfillment are starting to take a physical…and emotional toll on you. You’re not entirely sure what your next steps are, but you know that you’re ready to explore a new chapter of your life and tired of ignoring your own needs. You know you are ready to live your life unapologetically and free of all restrictions, rules and the expectations of others.

What your Issues Tend to Be:

You know you are capable of obtaining what you want but tend to frequently question and doubt yourself and your capabilities, which prevents you from achieving what you desire most.  You consistently sacrifice your own needs in favor of the needs of others. You want to do what makes you happy but you’re afraid of the judgment you’ll get from others if you start putting your own needs first. You have a hard time saying no to others and often overcompensate to show your relevance by doing too much, too often which leaves you feeling drained and over extended.  You know a change is necessary but the “good girl” in you, the one who’s always afraid of disappointing others, continues to hold you back from taking action on your dreams and visions.


What You Need Most Right Now:

You need a greater sense of clarity on your own needs along with the self-acceptance and confidence to honor those needs, so you can walk away from a lifestyle that no longer serves you and create the one you want instead. You are ready and committed to making the changes you need to live a more fulfilling life and simply need some guidance on how to get from where you are to where you want to be.  You have a bold vision for your future and want to live your life without fear and free of any current limitations that may be holding you back. You want a life that you can truly and unapologetically say you LOVE. And you need someone who can help you design that life.


What Will this Involve?

In the Soul Evolution Accelerator Program, you will embark on a 24 week journey of one-on-one coaching and mentorship that will help you get clarity on what you want for yourself and your life and empower you to take intentional action towards that life. The program consists of diving deep into the four main pillars of success: mindset, habits, future self creation and a roadmap for the results you want.

You will learn how your thoughts and actions may be keeping you from creating the life and results you truly want. You will understand the connection between your thoughts and your reality - and how your thoughts may be creating a less than ideal reality and preventing you from enjoying and living your life to the fullest. By the time you finish the program, you will be able to easily identify disempowering thoughts, habits and action and replace them with more supportive ones.

Some of the key aspects of the program include: 

  • We will take inventor of the key areas of your life where. you feel stuck, unfulfilled or held back in any manner

  • We work together to very clearly define and clarify what your ideal life looks and feels like for you and who you have to be to live that life.

  • We will evaluate and assess your current sense of self and any beliefs you may have about yourself and your life that are holding you back from your ideal life.

    You will discover ways to break free of any beliefs that may be keeping you from living your ideal life so you can regain - and maintain- lasting confidence and fulfillment

  • Together we will create your own unique roadmap that will give you tangible action steps for creating and living the life you desire.

  • You will learn how to implement your action steps in your daily life so you can establish lasting change and an elevated mindset   

My Vision for You

I believe everyone deserves to live a life that’s deeply fulfilling on both a personal and professional level so they can enjoy every moment of their day, and feel confident that they are making the best possible decisions in their life - whether at work or at home.  

I also believe everyone deserves a life that’s so juicy and delicious that you look forward to each day - even if there’s nothing “special” or “exciting” on the calendar.  And as far as I’m concerned, you shouldn't have to change your whole life or sacrifice everything you've worked so hard for up until now to make the life you want a reality.  

The problem is that we sometimes get into cycles of chasing external validation and following through with other people’s ideas of what we “should” be doing and forget to actually ask ourselves what it is that we want to do - and what makes us feel fulfilled. But if we slow down and take the time to actually ask ourselves what it would look like to infuse our life with the things that would fill our own cup - only then can we find what true success and a meaningful life feels and looks like for us.

I want to see you fill your own cup and live a life that you love. You, my friend, are filled with endless possibilities and deserve to experience a life filled with joy, meaning and fulfillment. 


I get it. I know what it's like to have worked so hard to achieve so many amazing things, do “all the right things” and still wake up feeling empty and unfulfilled. 

I also know the pain that comes with waking up feeling exhausted, stressed and hollow on the inside and not being able to understand why you’re feeling that way.  To finally make it to the top of that ladder and wonder if you were leaning it against the wrong building all along. 

But as tough as that realization can be - the fact that you realized it at all shows you’re already ahead of the curve! And sometimes the only thing that needs to change to move that ladder back to the right building is your thoughts. So if you’re ready to find out how you can use your thoughts to create powerful results in your personal and professional life, click below and let’s DO THIS!