Recovering Perfectionist

As a recovering perfectionist, I can attest first hand that the concept of perfection is a lie, it doesn't exist. And in reality, even the definition of what may or may not be perfect will vary from one person to the next.

Personally, I think putting that kind of pressure on ourselves (and others) is simply unfair. How many times have we looked at someone and thought their life was perfect when in reality they may be facing their own concerns and looking at our life as if we were perfect?

In order to bust that perfection myth once and for all we need to shift our focus from perfection to progress. Trying to achieve perfection will only lead to disappointment and self criticism which, in turn, leads to a lack of confidence and self doubt.

So instead of focusing on perfection, why not focus on simply making progress? Progress towards the goals you’ve set for yourself, progress towards becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be and progress towards living the life you’ve always wanted to live. At the end of the day it’s the progress we make each day that reaps the greatest rewards - and ultimately leads to perfection in its own way, because that’s where the growth is and that’s where the RESULTS are.

Are there any areas in your life that you’re not seeing the results you hoped for? Take a closer look at that area and ask yourself - have you been so focused on perfection that you’re not taking the action you need to make progress? If that’s the case it’s ok- we’ve all been there.

Now it’s time to change that and you can start by taking just one action today that moves you forward. Don’t delay it. Write down the action you will take and then take it today. And then repeat that drill every day for the next week- you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can make progress once you take action and create some momentum.

If you’re not sure how to get started, let’s hop on a call and I’ll give you some proven strategies to get you started!

Ready to live your best life?

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