What do you think would be possible for you if you stopped playing it safe and started playing all out instead?
What would reality look like if you just went for it - whatever “it” is for you - instead of playing it safe.
Playing it safe is what puts you directly in the path of danger.
Danger of always living below your full potential, danger of living a life that’s devoid of meaning….and danger of spending your life trapped in an identity you created when you were far too young to know if it was even aligned with who you truly are and what you want in life.
I get it, you’ve worked SO hard for all you have and the thought of taking a risk at this point in your life feels a little scary and you’re not sure if you’re ready to give it all up.
And the truth is, part of you already feels a little guilty and ungrateful for wanting more than what you already have.
So you keep ignoring that little voice inside that keeps whispering “there has to be more”.
You need something to change but you’re afraid of what changes could mean. What if you make the change you're dreaming of and it doesn’t work out?
But what if it DOES?
I know the thought of starting over and reinventing yourself at this phase in your life probably feels a little scary. But here’s the thing - nobody said you had to start all over.
Reinventing yourself doesn’t mean throwing away everything you are - it means adding to it.
It means recreating your life in a way that’s aligned with who you are NOW - not who you once were, who you thought you should be…or for that matter, who you were told to be.
I already know and believe you’re capable of achieving anything you want and creating - or recreating- anything you truly want. And I want you to believe it too.
So if any of this lands with you and you’re ready to reinvent yourself and live your life in a more meaningful and aligned way, DM me and let’s talk about what’s available for you. (Hint, the answer is pretty much anything you want.) And let’s get you out of the land of fear and into a world of possibility.
Ready to live your best life?
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