How Changing My Mindset Changed my Life

I used to think the game of life was rigged against me. And that life was just something that was happening “to me”, instead of through me.

It was a very self-defeating way to live and played a huge role in my health issues after my physical body started to break down from the spiritual and emotional weight I had been asking it to carry for years on end.

And despite all the journaling, breathing, meditation and yoga I did and the countless self-help and spirituality books I read, nothing seemed to change. I struggled to understand why the very things that seemed to be creating incredible breakthroughs for others seemed to make no difference in my own life.

I found myself angry at the world, angry at God and most of all, angry at myself. This wasn’t how it was supposed to turn out. I had done all the things..checked all the boxes..followed the straight and narrow. And yet here I was sad, stagnant, and stuck while everyone else seemed to be moving on with their lives, and turning their dreams into a reality.

But that was yesterday. And a lot has changed since then.

Totally kidding. That was over 10 years ago. But a lot HAS changed - I wasn’t kidding about that part. So keep reading. ;)

As my health continued to decline and threaten every area of my life I knew something had to change.

I would love to tell you that the change was dramatic and fast but the truth is it wasn’t. And for a long time the reason I wasn’t able to create the change I wanted was because my mind didn’t actually believe that change was possible for me.

And because I didn’t truly believe it, I was looking to others to make change happen for me instead of looking to myself.

Coaches, healers, mentors, guides, shamans - I found them all. And as amazing as they were in their art and their guidance, they couldn’t actually do the work for me. I was the one who had to do that.

I took a good hard look at myself and the role I had played in getting to where I was. Facing yourself can be the most challenging and difficult thing to do in life when you don’t like where you are or who you’ve become.

And what I saw wasn’t all that pretty at first. But the truth was that everything that had led me to that point had been - in some way, shape and form - the result of a decision I had made and beliefs I had held in the past.

And if I wanted to change my results, I had to start making different decisions and choose new beliefs.

The more I started to embody my new thoughts and beliefs, the better I started feeling -physically, emotionally and energetically. Amazingly, the more I worked on my mind, the more resilient my body also became. It was then that I realized that my body hadn’t been responding to any of my healing efforts because my mind hadn’t been on board. It hadn’t believed that change and healing was possible.

By changing that belief, I was able to change my health - for the better. I finally felt aligned in mind, body and spirit. And that alignment is what ultimately helps to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Regardless of who you are or what you do. When all 3 are in harmony, so is life.

I truly believe that if we can learn to change our thoughts, we can change our entire experience of life, regardless of the events that may be unfolding around us.

I also believe every part of our journey - even the painful parts - offer us a gift, a lesson or an opportunity for transformation. So wherever you are in your own journey, look for the gift, the lesson or transformation that’s possible for you.

It’s in there somewhere. You just have to be willing to take a stand for it and believe in it.

As always,

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