1:1 Coaching
Hey there…just wanted to pop in and let you know how deeply I see your heart and all that you desire…and how beautiful your vision for life truly is.
I mean the real vision - the one you had for yourself all those years ago. The one you gave up on. Because it wasn’t the “sensible” thing to do.
You thought it would fade away. And yet there it is - still alive and well inside your dreams. And the recesses of your mind.
Filling your daydreams with images of a life that’s deeply fulfilling and meaningful. A life that lets you be the person YOU want to be - not the person others have expected you to be..and relied upon to be ….for your whole life.
A life that leaves you smiling from the inside out and makes you feel so giddy with excitement for each moment that you can’t wait to jump out of bed each morning, ready to start your day.
Are you looking for a life that leaves you with no regrets?
A life that allows who you are to finally be one with who you truly are on the inside.
The problem is as much as you want to chase that dream and that life, part of you is afraid of the judgment and criticism that you might face if you actually go after it. From your family. Your friends. Your co-workers. And if you’re really being truthful..even from yourself.
The questions that pop into your head every time you think about it tend to stop you dead in your tracks. What if people see you as selfish? What if they no longer love you? What if they think you’re ungrateful?
But most of all, what if they’re right…
And so you stay where you are. And do nothing. Because as hard as it is to keep going down the path you’re currently on, it feels even scarier to think about the fallout that might occur if you change paths now.
And stop being the “good girl” and “playing nice” with everyone around you.
But the truth is you’re no longer willing to settle for a life that doesn’t feel true to who you are. You want a life that lets you feel free. A life that lets you be true to yourself and absolutely sure that you’re on the exact path that you were meant to be on.
You want to live life on your terms. By your rules. And by your standards.
But you just don’t know how to make that happen. And between the demands of work and home, you have little to no time for yourself and feel too exhausted, unmotivated and discouraged to even try to make a change.
You tell yourself you just need to practice more gratitude. Spend more time in nature. Take up journaling. Try a little therapy - heck, it worked for your friends. They seem to have gone back to being “happy”. Maybe you just need to treat yourself to a spa day…or a little getaway.
So you take that spa day and excitedly tell your friends you’re taking a “much needed mental health day”. You even manage to sneak in a weekend getaway.
But the minute you get back to “real life”..those old feelings of restlessness, melancholy and uncertainty come flooding right back in. No matter what you do or how hard you try to just be content with what you have, something still feels like it’s missing.
In case nobody ever told you before - that dream doesn’t have to stay locked in your mind. It actually CAN be your reality.
I believe everyone deserves to live life on their own terms and be true to who they are. And live by their own inner authority. And by their own expectations and standards.